10 Tips, 25 Comprehension Passages with Answers

25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers 9th


10 Tips, 25 Comprehension Passages with Answers
10 Tips, 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers

The primary objective of a comprehension passage test is to check the ability of the students to understand and extract required information from a piece of text. The 25 English comprehension passages with questions and answers for 9th and other grades can be used as a self-assessment tool. Also, after solving all these passages you will develop a sufficient level of skill in this domain.

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10 Tips to Successfully Attempt English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers for 9th and other Grades

If you follow the below guidelines, you will be able to score full marks in this question. Carefully peruse them and try to put each in practice through maximum practice.

  1. Carefully read the given comprehension passage at least thrice.
  2. Underline the words, phrases, sentences, and lines that you deem important.
  3. Try to construct the contextual meaning of the unfamiliar words.
  4. Carefully read all the question to find out what has been asked therein.
  5. Read the paragraph again and underline the lines which serve as an answer to a particular question.
  6. Answer the question in your words.
  7. To make your answer exact, relevant, and complete, try to begin it with central words from the question.
  8. Always make sure that the tense of your answer is the same as that of the question.
  9. Use indirect speech (narration) in your response to a query. However, you can also use direct narration when needed.
  10. The answer should be in a complete sentence.

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Keep in Mind:

It would be better and impressive if you answer the questions in your own words. However, it won’t be wrong to take out a line from the text that seems an exact match for your answer to the given question.

Passage 1 (9th Class Reading Comprehension Passage Notes)

                One day a wolf (بھیڑیا) felt (محسوس کیا) very hungry (بھوکا). He wandered (مارا مارا پھرنا، آوارہ گردی کرنا) here and there in search  (تلاش)of food  (کھانا)but he could not find  (پانا/حاصل کرنا)anything  (کوئی چیز بھی)to eat. At last he saw a flock  (ریوڑ)of sheep  (بھیڑیں)grazing  (گھاس چرنا)in a pasture(چراگاۃ) . He wanted to eat one  (ایک بھیڑ)but they were guarded by a hound(شکاری کتا) . The shepherd’s son  (گڈریئے کا بیٹا)was also tending the flock  (ریوڑ کو چلانا)vigilantly(ہوشیاری سے) . The wolf found himself helpless(بے بس) . At last he hit upon a plan(منصوبہ بنایا) . He hid himself in the skin  (گھال)of a sheep and safely  (بحفاظت)went into the flock. The hound could not find out the wolf in disguise(بھیس بدلے ہوئے) . He killed a sheep and ate it without being caught(پکڑا جانا) . In this way, he ate up  (کھاگیا)many sheep and their number  (تعداد)began to fall  (کم ہونے لگی)every day. The shepherd was greatly worried  (بہت پریشان تھا)but could not find out the thief(چور) .

Questions with Answers

1. Why did the wolf wander about(ادھر ادھر گھومنا پھرنا) ?

Answer: The hungry wolf wandered about in search(تلاش)  of food.

2. Did he find anything to eat?

Answer: No, he did not find anything to eat(کھانے کی کوئی چیز) .

3. Why was the wolf helpless?

Answer: The wolf was helpless  (بےبس)because the flock of sheep  (بھیڑوں کا ریوڑ)was guarded  (نگرانی، حفاظت)by a hound.

4. How did he get into the flock?

Answer: He safely got into the flock by putting on(پہن لینا)  the skin of a sheep.

5. Why was the shepherd worried?

Answer: The shepherd was worried because  (کیونکہ)the number of his sheep began to fall every day.

6. Did he find out(ڈھونڈ لینا)  the thief?

Answer: No, he did not find out the thief. (The thief was a wolf in sheep’s clothing(لباس) .)

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Passage 2 (English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers 9th Class)

                On a hot summer day, a fox felt very thirsty(بہت پیاس لگنا) . He went about  (گھومنا پھرنا)in search of water but could not find water. At last he reached  (پہنچنا)a well. He peeped into it. Unfortunately(بد قسمتی سے) , he slipped  (پھسل جانا)and fell (گرجانا) into the well. A goat happened to pass  (اتفاقاً گزرہونا)by the well and looked into it.

                What are you doing here uncle?  (چچا جان آپ یہاں کیا کر رہے ہیں؟)The cunning fox  (چالاک لومڑ)replied(جواب دینا) , “Dear niece(پیاری بھتیجی) , I am enjoying a swim  (تیراکی سے محظوظ ہونا)down here. It is very pleasant(خوشگوار، مزیدار) , come down  (نیچے آجائیں)and enjoy yourself too”. The goat was also thirsty. She jumped  (چھلانگ لگا دی)into the well.

Questions and Answers Comprehension Passages 9th Grade

1. What happened  (کیا ہوا)to the thirsty fox(پیاسا لومڑ) ?

Answer: The thirsty fox slipped  (پھسل جانا)and fell into the well.

2. Who passed by the well just then(عین اسی وقت) ?

Answer: A goat happened to pass by the well.

3. What did the goat do?

Answer: The goat looked into the well(کنویں میں دیکھا) .

4. What did the goat  (بکری)say to the fox?

Answer: The goat said to the fox, “What are you doing here, uncle?

5. What did the fox say in reply?

Answer: The fox replied, “I am enjoying a swim  (تیراکی سے محظوظ ہونا)as it is very pleasant down here.”

6. Why did the goat jump into the well?

Answer: The goat jumped  (چھلانگ لگانا)into the well as she was taken in  (دھوکے میں آجانا)by the cunning fox.

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Passage 3 (of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                Once a stag (بارہ سنگھا) was drinking  (پانی پینا)at a stream(ندی) . He happened to see his reflection(عکس)  in the water. He was pleased to see his beautiful horns(خوبصورت سینگ) , but when he saw his thin(پتلی/کمزور ٹانگیں)  legs he felt sad as he thought they were ugly(بدصورت) . Suddenly(اچانک) , he saw a pack of hounds  (شکاری کتوں کا ایک گروۃ)at a distance(کچھ فاصلے پر) . He ran as fast as his legs could help him(وہ اتنا تیز دوڑا جتنا اس کی ٹانگیں ساتھ دے سکتی تھیں) . Soon he left the hounds far behind(بہت پیچھے چھوڑ دیا) . He had to pass through a thick forest  (گھنا جنگل)of bushes(جھاڑیاں) . His horns got caught in a bush(جھاڑی میں پھنس گئے) . He tried hard to pull his horns out of it but all in vain(بے سود، بے فائدہ) . By now the hounds had come up(پہنچ چکے تھے) . They fell upon him  (اس پر حملہ کر دیا)and tore him into pieces(ٹکڑے ٹکڑے کر دیئے) .

Questions with Answers:

1. What was the stag(بارہ سنگھا)  doing?

Answer: The stag was drinking water at a stream.

2. What did he see in the water?

Answer: He saw his reflection(اپنا عکس دیکھا)  in the water.

3. Why was he pleased(وہ خوش کیوں ہوا) ?

Answer: He was pleased to see his beautiful horns(اسے اپنے خوبصورت سینگ دیکھ کر خوشی ہوئی) .

4. What made him sad?

Answer: The sight  (منظر، نظارہ)of his thin legs  (دبلی پتلی ٹانگیں)made him sad.

5. Why did he run?

Answer: He ran for his life(وہ اپنی زندگی کی خاطر دوڑا) .

6. How did his legs help him?

Answer: His legs helped him to run fast(تیز دوڑنا) .

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Passage 4 (of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                King Robert Bruce ruled over Scotland(سکاٹ لینڈ پر حکومت کرتا تھا) . He had been defeated(شکست ہوئی)  many times by the English. He ran for his life and hid himself in a cave(ایک غار میں چھپ گیا) . He had lost all hope  (مکمل طور پر مایوس ہو چکا تھا)to win. As he lay there(جیسے وہ وہاں پر لیٹا) , thinking  (سوچ رہا تھا)if he should give up  (ترک کر دینا)his struggle  (کوشش، سخت محنت)or not, he saw a spider  (ایک مکڑی دیکھی)trying to reach its cobweb  (مکڑی کا جالا، گھر)in the ceiling of the cave(غار کی چھت میں) . It fell down again and again  (بار بار نیچے گر جاتی تھی)but did not give up its effort(کوشش ترک نہ کی، ہمت نہ ہاری) . At last, the little insect  (ننھا سا کیڑا)reached its home in its ninth attempt(نویں کوشش) . This gave courage  (حوصلہ)to King Bruce. He made up his mind  (ذہن بنا لیا، فیصلہ کرلیا)to fight and this time he won the battle(جنگ جیت گیا) .

Questions with Answers:

1. By whom had Robert Bruce been defeated  شکست کا سامنا کرنا پڑا)many times?

Answer: King Robert Bruce had been defeated by the English  (انگریز فوج سے شکست کھانا پڑی)many times.

2. Where did he hide  (چھپنا، چھپانا)himself?

Answer: He hid himself in a cave(غار) .

3. What did he see in the cave?

Answer: He saw a spider  (مکڑی)trying to reach its cobweb  (مکڑی کا جالا، چھتہ)up in the ceiling  (چھت)of the cave.

4. After how many attempts  (کتنی بار کوشش کے بعد)did the spider succeed(کامیاب ہونا) ?

Answer: The spider succeeded after making nine attempts.

5. What lesson did King Bruce learn from the spider?

Answer: King Bruce leant the lesson to keep trying again till success.

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Passage 5 (of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                For three years, the master  (آقا)and all his relatives  (رشتہ دار)lived in this valley(وادی، گھاٹی) . Many of the Muslims too joined them(ان کے ساتھ آملے) . All supplies  (تمام تر رسد)to the valley were cut off(بند کر دی گئی) . The Makkans  (مکہ والے)saw to it  (اس بات کا خیال رکھا، اس بات کو یقینی بنایا)that no food or drink reached the Banu Hashim. The poor Banu Hashim had to live  (گزارا کرنا پڑا)on the leaves  (پتے)and roots  (جڑیں)of trees and bushes. The condition  (حالت)of children  (بچے)was particularly  (خاص طور پر)pitiable(قابلِ رحم) . At last, some kind-hearted  (رحم دل)Makkans took pity  (رحم آ گیا)on the Banu Hashim(بنو ہاشم) . They tore to pieces  (ٹکڑے ٹکڑے کر دیا)the agreement  (معاہدہ)hanging  (لٹکایا ہوا)in the Kaaba(کعبہ میں) . The hunger stricken  (بھوک کے مارے)Banu Hashim were thus able to come back to  (واپس آنا)their homes.

Questions with Answers:

1. Who lived for three years in the valley(گھاٹی) ?

Answer: The master  (آقا)and all his relatives  (رشتہ دار)lived in the valley for three years.

2. Who joined  (جا ملے)the master and his relatives?

Answer: Many of the Muslims joined the master and his relatives.

3. What did the Makkans do?

Answer: The Makkans cut off all supplies of food and drink  (کھانے پینے کی اشیا کی تمام تر رسد)to the Banu Hashim.

4. How did the Banu Hashim live?

Answer: Banu Hashim lived on the leaves and roots of trees  (درختوں کے پتے اور جڑیں)and bushes.

5. What was the condition of the children?

Answer: The condition of the children was pitiable(قابلِ رحم) .

6. Who took pity  (رحم آیا، ترس آیا)on the Banu Hashim?

Answer: Some kind-hearted Makkan leaders  (سردار)took pity on the Banu Hashim.

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Passage 6 (of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                We see a kind of milk  (ایک قسم کا دودھ)in tins(کنستروں میں) . It is powered milk(خشک دودھ، دودھ کا سفوف) . All the water in this milk has evaporated(بخارات بن کے اڑ جانا) . When fresh milk  (تازہ دودھ)stays  (ٹھہرتا ہے)in a dish  (طشتری میں)for a little time, the thick part  (گھنا حصہ)of the milk comes to the top(اوپری سطح پر آ جاتا ہے) . It is the cream  (کریم، بالائی)of the milk. From this cream people make butter(لوگ مکھن بناتے ہیں) . If milk with the cream on it is made into powder(پاؤڈر/سفوف بنایا جائے) , it is called Full Cream Milk Powder(فُک کریم ملک پاؤڈر) . When something floating  (تیرتی ہوئی)is taken off the top of a liquid  (مائع)we say it is skimmed(ملائی/بالائی اترا ہوا) . When the cream is skimmed from the milk, the thin milk  (پتلا دودھ)that stays is called ‘Skim Milk’. Skim milk is a good milk but it has no fat  (چکنائی)in it. It is not good for very young babies(زیادہ/بہت چھوٹے بچے) .

Questions with Answers:

1. Is the milk in tins powdered  (سفوف)or liquid(مائع) ?

Answer: The milk in the tins  (کنستر)is powdered.

2. What becomes of the water in the milk?

Answer: The water in the milk evaporates(بخارات بن کے اڑ جانا) .

3. What comes to the top of the fresh milk when it stays a little  (کچھ دیر کے لئے ٹھہرنا)in a dishطشتری) ?

Answer: The thick part of the milk comes to the top(چوٹی پر آجاتا ہے) .

4. What does the thick part of the milk have in it(دودھ کے گھنے حصے کے اندر کیا ہوتا ہے) ?

Answer: The thick part of the milk has fat in it.

5. What is cream(کریم کیا ہوتی ہے) ?

Answer: Cream is the fat of the milk which comes to the top of it.

6. What do people make from cream?

Answer: People make butter  (مکھن)from cream.

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Passage 7 (of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A.) was extremely  (بہت، انتہائی)kind-hearted  (نرم دل)and just  (منصف)to the people. His army had strict  (سخت)orders  (احکامات)not to do any harm to the farmers(کسان) , aged persons(عمر رسیدہ لوگ) , women(خواتین) , children  (بچے)and other civilians(شہری، عام عوام) . “They are the real strength  (حقیقی/اصل طاقت)of society”, he said, “They should always be treated with  (سلوک کرنا)kindness  (رحمدلی)and respect(عزت) ”. This was something new for the conquered people(مفتوح لوگ) , who felt very happy now(اب بڑے خوش تھے) . The Iranian  (ایرانی)and Byzantine  (بازنطینی)officers  (افسران)were very hard on them(ان پر بہت سختی کرتے تھے) . Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed’s treatment  (سلوک)won their hearts  (دل)so much that they began to hate their cruel  (ظالم)old masters.

Questions with Answers – Reading Comprehension Passage 7

1. How did Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A.) treat  (سلوک کرنا)the people(عوام، لوگ) ?

Answer: Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (رضی اللہ عنہ) was kind and just  (انصاف پسند)to the people.

2. What were the orders  (احکامات)given to the army?

Answer: He had ordered his army not to harm  (نقصان پہنچانا)to farmers, aged people, women, children and other civilians(عام شہری) .

3. What did he say about the farmers and civilians?

Answer: He said about the farmers and civilians, “They are the real strength of society(معاشرے کی اصل طاقت) .”

4. How had their former masters treated them?

Answer: Their former masters had been hard on them(سختی سے پیش آتے تھے) .

5. How did Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A.) win the hearts of the conquered people(مفتوح لوگ) ?

Answer: Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (رضی اللہ عنہ) won the hearts of the conquered people with kindness.

6. Why did the people hate their old masters(پرانے آقا) ?

Answer: The people hated their old masters for their unkind treatment(سنگدلانہ سلوک) .

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Passage 8 (of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                The age of steam  (بھاپ کا دور/زمانہ)has yielded place to  (جگہ دینا)the age of electricity(برقی دور) . We have harnessed  (قابوپانا)and introduced  (متعارف کرانا)it into the service of man(انسان کی خدمت) . The electric telegraph  (برقی ٹیلی گراف)bears our message  (ہمارا پیغام لے جاتا ہے)to and brings us news  (خبریں لاتا ہے)from all quarters of the world(دنیا کے تمام کونے) . Submarine cable  (آبدوز کیبل)does its own work all right(بالکل درست) .

                Who is not familiar  (واقف ہونا)with the electric bell(برقی گھنٹی) ? Who has not used telephone(ٹیلیفون) ? Who is not enjoying electric lightبرقی روشنی) ? Electric motors(برقی موٹریں) , wireless  (وائرلیس، بغیر تار کے)telegraphy(تیکنیک) , electric railways(برقی ریلوے) , electric modes  (برقی طرز)of construction  (تعمیر)and destruction  (تخریب)all attest to  (ثبوت دیتے ہیں)the great power  (عظیم طاقت)of electricity. Electricity  (بجلی)has developed modern industry  (جدید صنعت)and has created many industries(صنعتیں) . It has enabled man to conquer  (تسخیر کرنا، فتح کرنا)land, sea and air(ہوا) .

Questions with Answers:

1. Why do we call the present age  (موجودہ زمانہ)the age of electricity?

Answer: We call the present age the age of electricity as many things are done with the help of electric energy(برقی توانائی) .

2. Which age has yielded place  (جگہ دینا)to the age of electricity?

Answer: The steam age has yielded place to the age of electricity.

3. How do we send and receive messages(پیغام وصول کرنا) ?

Answer: We use telegraph, telephone and wireless to send and receive messages.

4. State some important uses of electricity(بجلی) ?

Answer: Railways, factories  (فیکٹریاں)and mills  (کارخانے)work with the help of electricity.

5. What do you think is the future  (مستقبل)of electricity?

Answer: Electricity promises a bright and prosperous future for mankind(بجلی انسانیت کے لیے ایک روشن مستقبل کی نوید سناتی ہے) .

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Passage 9 (of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                A man is known by the company he keeps (انسان اپنی صحبت سے پہچانا جاتا ہے). A good student should avoid the company  (صحبت سے بچنا)of those who keep playing all the time. Many students miss their classes  (کلاسیں/لیکچر چھوڑ دیتے ہیں)and seldom  (شازونادر، کھبی بھی نہیں)do their homework because some other fellow students  (ساتھی طلبہ)do the same(ایسا ہی کرتے ہیں) . There are hardworking students  (محنتی طلبہ)also who work while others play. They know when to study and when to play. They play when it is time to play. They enjoy the games of their choice because they know that playing games is essential for health(صحت کے لیے ضروری) . A sick student  (بیمار طالبعلم)is not so quick  (تیز)in learning his lesson  (اپنا سبق سیکھنا/پڑھنا)as a healthy  (صحت مند)one.

Questions with Answers:

1. What kind of company should a good student keep(اچھے طالبعلم کو کس قسم کی صحبت اختیار کرنی چاہئے) ?

Answer: A good student should keep good company(اچھی صحبت) .

2. Why do some students miss their classes?

Answer: Some students miss  (چھوڑ دینا/ترک کردینا)their classes because their fellow students do the same.

3. Why do good students enjoy good health?

Answer: Good students enjoy good health because they work and play at a proper time(مناسب وقت پر) .

4. Why are games necessary  (ضروری)for students?

Answer: Games are necessary for students to keep them healthy(صحت مند) .

5. Where does the success of a student lieطالبعلم کی کامیابی کا انحصار کس چیز پر ہے) ?

Answer: The success of a student lies in following a proper timetable of work and play(کام اور کھیل کے نظام الاوقات) .

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Passage 10 (of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                Newspapers  (اخبارات)keep us constantly  (مستقل طورپر، مسلسل)in touch  (منسلک، رابطے میں)with the whole of mankind(تمام انسانیت، پوری انسانیت) . In olden days(پرانے وقتوں میں) , a man’s world consisted  (مشتمل ہونا)of his own village  (گاؤں)and one or two neighbouring villages(مضافاتی گاؤں) . It was difficult  (ؐمشکل)for him to know what was going on in other parts of the country(ملک کے دوسرے حصے) . But today the press assisted by  (کی مدد سے)rapid means of communications (تیز ذرائع ابلاغ) brings us news from the farthest corners of the globe(دنیا کے دور دراز کونوں سے) . The press is also responsible  (ذمہ دار ہونا)for educating public opinion(رائے عامہ بنانا) . The laws of a nation are really shaped by its press(کسی قوم کے قوانین واقعی اس کی صحافت/پریس سے بنتے ہیں) . In fact, the public receives guidance  (رہنمائی حاصل کرنا)from the newspapers. Thus their power in modern times  (جدید دور میں)is really great(واقعی بہت زیادہ) .

Questions with Answers:

1. What do the newspapers  (اختارات)do to us?

Answer: Newspapers keep us constantly  (مسلسل)in touch with the whole of mankind(پوری انسانیت) .

2. Why in olden days man could not know what was going on in far off places(دور دراز علاقے) ?

Answer: In olden days  (پرانے وقتوں میں)man could not know what was going on in far off places for the lack  (کمی/نہ ہونا)of newspapers and other means of communication(ذرائع ابلاغ) .

3. What is the responsibility of the press today(آج کل پریس کی کیا ذمہ داری ہے) ?

Answer: The responsibility of the press today is to educate the public opinion.

4. How are the laws of a country shaped nowadays?

Answer: The laws of a country are shaped nowadays by its press.

5. How are newspapers a source of public guidance?

Answer: Newspapers are a source of public guidance as they give information about all aspects of a society.

6. What is your opinion about the power of the press?

Answer: The press has a great power. It can educate public opinion and shape laws of a nation.

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Comprehension Exercises with Questions and Answers

Exercise 1 (i.e. 11th of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                About sixty years ago  (تقریباً ساٹھ سال پیشتر/پہلے)the question of choosing a profession  (پیشہ منتخب کرنے کا سوال)was not taken up seriously(سنجیدگی سے نہیں لیا جاتا تھا) . A son generally  (عام طور پر)followed  (پیروی کرنا، اپنانا)the trade  (پیشہ، تجارت)of his father. But nowadays  (آجکل)one can take a trade  (پیشہ اختیار کرنا)one likes. The students who make the right choice of profession  (پیشے کا انتخاب)are always  (ہمیشہ)successful(کامیاب) . For the right choice  (درست انتخاب)of a profession, there should be a definite aim(واضح مقصد) .

                The students who do not have any definite aim suffer a lot  (بہت نقصان اٹھاتے ہیں)in the end  (آخر کار، آخر میں)as they have also a difficulty  (مشکل)in finding an employment(ملازمت/روزگار تلاش کرنا) . In choosing a profession, the teacher  (استاد/معلم)and the parents  (والدین)play a very important part(اہم کردار ادا کرتے ہیں) . The teacher keeps an eye on  (نظررکھنا)his pupils(شاگرد) . He studies(مطالعہ کرنا)  their habits(عادات) . So، he can put his pupils on the right path  (سیدھا راستہ)of life.

Questions with Answers:

1. What were the conditions  (حالات)about the choice of a profession  (پیشے کا انتخاب)sixty years ago?

Answer: The choice of a profession was not taken up seriously  (سنجیدگی سے غور کرنا)about sixty years ago.

2. Why did the people not choose  (انتخاب کرنا)the profession seriously?

Answer: The people did not choose the profession seriously because a son generally  (عموماً، عام طور پر)followed the trade of his father(والد کا پیشی اختیار کرنا) .

3. Can a student of the present times  (موجودہ زمانہ)choose his profession freely(مرضی سے) ?

Answer: Yes, a student  (طالبعلم)of the present times can choose his profession freely.

4. What is the advantage  (فائدہ)of a right choice of a profession?

Answer: The advantage of a right choice  (درست انتخاب)of a profession is that it can give enjoyment(تفریح، لطف)  and success in life.

5. How can a student choose his profession  (اپنا پیشہ)rightly?

Answer: If a student has a definite aim(واضح مقصد) , he can choose his profession rightly(درست طریقے سے) .

6. What will be the difficulty of a student who is reading  (پڑھنا، تعلیم حاصل کرنا)without a definite aim?

Answer: If a student is reading without a definite aim, he will face difficulties  (مشکلات کا سامنا کرنا)and in finding  (تلاش کرنا)an employment.

7. How can a teacher  (استاد، معلم)help his pupil in making a choice of profession?

Answer: A teacher can help his pupil in making a choice of profession because he knows about habits(عادات) , caliber  (صلاحیت)and inclination(رجحان) .

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Exercise 2 (i.e. 12th of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                 Making pottery  (مٹی کے برتن بنانا)on the potter’s wheel  (کمہار کا پہیہ)is called “throwing”(برتن سازی) . The thrower (برتن ساز) is a very skillful  (ماہر، ہنر مند)workman(کاریگر) . But there is another method of shaping  (برتن بنانے کا دوسرا طریقہ)articles out of clay  (گارا، مٹی)– “moulding”(سانچے میں ڈھالنا) . A plaster mould  (پلستر کا ایک سانچہ)is made and the clay is pressed into it(مٹی/گارا اس میں دبایا جاتا ہے) . This is a quicker  (زیادہ تیز)and less difficult  (کم مشکل)way and must be used to make things like handles(دستے) ; but all the most beautiful pottery  (خوبصورت مٹی کے برتن، خوبصورت برتن سازی)is thrown(چکر کے ذریعے بنانا) . When a piece of pottery  (ایک برتن)is taken off  (علٰیحدۃ کرنا)the wheel(پہیہ) , it is put aside  (ایک طرف رکھ دینا)to dry(خشک ہونا) , after which a design  (نقش و نگار)may be painted  (نمونے بنانا)on it with special colors  (خاص رنگوں سے)that will stand great heat(شدیدحرارت برداشت کر لیتے ہیں) ; it is then ready to be fired(آگ میں رکھنے کے لیے تیار) . This is done in a large oven  (بڑا تنور)or kiln(بھٹی، بھٹہ) . The pieces of pottery  (مٹی کے برتن)are placed in earthenware tubs  (مٹی کے ٹب)called “saggers”  (ساگر)so that the flames  (شعلے)cannot touch  (چھونا)the pottery.

Questions with Answers:

1. What is throwing(برتن سازی کیا ہے) ?

Answer: The art of making pottery on the potter’s wheel  (کمہار کا پہیہ)is called “throwing”.

2. What is the other method of shaping  (بنانا)articles?

Answer: Moulding  (سانچے میں ڈھالنا)is the other method of shaping articles.

3. What is the advantage(فائدہ)  of moulding?

Answer: Moulding is a quicker  (تیز تر)and easy method of making articles  (اشیا، برتن)like handles.

4. How does the potter make designs  (نقش ونگار)on the pieces of pottery?

Answer: The potter makes designs on the pieces of pottery with the help of  (کی مدد سے، کے استعمال سے)special colours.

5. How is pottery baked  (پکانا)in fire(آگ) ?

Answer: Pottery is baked in fire by placing  (رکھنا)it in earthenware(مٹی کے بنے ہوئے)  tubs in a large kiln.

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Exercise 3 (i.e. 13th of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                The Sultan  (سلطان، حاکم)sent agents to all parts of the East  (مشرق)to buy rare manuscripts(مسودے) , and bring  (لانا)them back to Cordova(قرطبہ) . His men were constantly  (مستقل طور پر)searching  (تلاش کرنا)the booksellers’ shops  (کتب فروشوں کی دکانیں)at Cairo(قاہرہ) , Damascus  (دمشق)and Baghdad  (بغداد)for rare volumes  (نایاب کتب)for his library. When the book was not to be bought at any price(کسی بھی قیمت پر) , he would have it copied; and sometimes  (بعض اوقات)even hear of a book which was only in the author’s mind(مصنف کے ذہن میں) , and send him a handsome  (قیمتی)present  (تحفہ)and beg him to send the first copy to Cordova. By such means, he gathered no fewer than four hundred thousand books  (چار لاکھ کتابیں)and this at a time when printing  (چھپائی)was not known, and every copy had to be painfully  (تکلیف برداشت کر کے)copied in the fine clear hand of the professional copyist(پیشہ ور لکھاری) .

Questions with Answers:

1. Why did Sultan  (سلطان، حاکم)send his agents  (کارندے، نمائندے)to all parts of the East(مشرق) ?

Answer: The Sultan sent his agents to all parts  (تمام حصے)of the East to find out rare volumes  (نایاب نسخے)of books and manuscripts  (مسودے)and bring them back to Cordova(قرطبہ) .

2. Where and what for they searched  (تلاش کرنا)the booksellers’  (کتب فروش)shops?

Answer: They searched the booksellers’ shops at Cairo(قاہرہ) , Damascus  (دمشق)and Baghdad  (بغداد)for rare  (نایاب)volumes for the library  (کتب خانہ)of the Sultan.

3. What would he do when any book was not to be bought  (خریدنا)at any price?

Answer: When a book was not to be bought at any price(کسی قیمیت پر) , the Sultan got it copied(تقل تیار کرنا) .

4. What would he do when the author  (مصنف)had not yet written  (لکھی گئی)the book?

Answer: When the author had not yet written the book, he would send him a handsome gift  (قیمتی تحفہ)and beg  (درخواست کرنا)him to send the first copy to Cordova.

5. How many  (کتنی)books had he gathered?

Answer: He had gathered  (اکٹھی کرنا)about four hundred thousand (400,000)  (چار لاکھ)books in his library.

6. Why was it difficult  (مشکل)to collect so many books in those days?

Answer: It was difficult to collect so many books because the art of printing  (چھپائی کا فن)was not known in those days.

Exercise 4 (i.e. 14th of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                 Musa  (موسٰی)was in chief command  (چیف کمانڈر)and the gates were in his charge(نگرانی میں ہونا) . They had been barred  (بند کرنا)when the Christians  (عیسائی)came in view(نظر آئے) ; but Musa threw them open(انھہیں کھول دیا) . “Our bodies”(لاشیں) , he said, “will bar  (بند کرنا)the gates.” The young men were kindled  (بھڑک اٹھے، جوش میں آگئے)by such words, and when he told  (بتایا)them, “We have nothing to fight for  (ہمارا لڑنے کا کوئی مقصد نہیں ہے)but the ground we stand on(ہم کھڑے ہیں) ; and without that we are without home or a country”, they were ready to die  (مرنے کے لیے تیار)with him. With such a leader(رہنما) , the Moorish cavaliers  (بربر شاہسوار)performed feats  (کرتب دکھائے)of bravery  (بہادری)in the plain  (میدان میں)which divided  (تقسیم کرنا)the camp  (خیمہ)from the city.

Questions with Answers:

1. Who was the chief commander  (چیف کمانڈر)and what was in his charge?

Answer: Musa was the chief commander and gates  (دروازے)were in his charge.

2. When were the gates barred(بند کیے گئے) ?

Answer: The gates were barred when the Christians came in view.

3. Who threw them open(کھول دیا) ?

Answer: Musa threw the gates open.

4. What did Musa say?

Answer: Musa said that their bodies  (لاشیں)would bar the gates.

5. What effects had his words  (الفاظ)on the young men?

Answer: The young men were kindled(بھڑک اٹھنا، جوش میں آنا)  by his words and they were ready to die with him.

6. What divided the city(شہر)  from the camp?

Answer: The plain (battle-field)  (میدان جنگ)divided the city from the camp.

Exercise 5 (i.e. 15th of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                 Early rising  (جلدی اٹھنا)is a good habit  (اچھی عادت)as it gives us early start  (جلدی شروع کرنا، جلد آغاز)of our day’s work. We gain time while the late risers  (دیر سے اٹھنے والے)are asleep(سوئے ہونا) . The early risers have another advantage  (فائدہ)also and that is why they enjoy good and sound health(بہت اچھی صحت) . Those who are out of bed early have plenty  (بہت زیادہ)of time to do their work carefully(احتیاط سے) , steadily  (رفتہ رفتہ)and completely(مکمل طور پر) . They do not have to put off  (ملتوی کرنا)anything to the next day. The early riser is always happy, fresh  (تازہ دم)and smart(چست) . He enjoys his work while those who get up late, find their duty  (کام، ذمہ داری)dull and dry  (اکتادینے والا اور خشک)and do it unwillingly(نہ چاہتے ہوئے) . Early rising is therefore(اس لیے) , a key to success  (کامیابی)in life.

Questions with Answers:

1. What kind of habit  (عادت)early rising is?

Answer: Early rising is a good and useful  (مفید)habit.

2. Why can an early riser  (صبح سویرے اٹھنے والا)do more work than the late riser?

Answer: An early riser can do more work than the later riser  (صبح دیر سے اٹھنے والا)because he starts working when the later riser is still  (ابھی)asleep(سویا ہونا) .


The early riser can do more work  (زیادہ کام کرنا)than the late riser because he starts  (شروع کرنا)his day early and gets more time to complete  (مکمل کرنا)various tasks than the later rise.

3. Why does an early riser enjoy good health(اچھی صحت) ?

Answer: An early riser enjoys good health because he breathes in  (سانس لینا)the fresh air in the morning.

4. Why does a late riser find his work dull and dry(اکتا دینے والا اور خشک) ?

Answer: A late riser finds his work dull and dry because he is not happy(خوش) , fresh and smart(چست) .

5. What is the key to success  (کامیابی)in life?

Answer: Early rising is the key  (کنجی)to success in life.

Exercise 6 (i.e. 16th of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                 Some ants  (چیونٹیاں)are social insects(سماجی حشرات) . It means that they live in societies(معاشروں میں رہتی ہیں) , cooperate  (تعاون کرنا)with one another and do only the work assigned  (ذمیہ کام)to them. They go out in search of food in an orderly fashion(باترتیب انداز) , marching  (مارچ کرنا)in lines and columns  (قطار در قطار)like soldiers(سپاہیوں کی طرح) . Different groups  (گروہ)of social ants have different jobs  (کام)to do. They manage  (انتظام کرنا)their affairs  (معاملات)through division of labour(کام کی تقسیم کا اصول) . Some ants guard  (حفاظت کرنا)and protect  (تحفظ دینا)their community(معاشرہ) . They fight  (لڑنا)the other insects who attack  (حملہ کرنا)them or raid  (دھاوا بولنا)their colony. They are called soldier ants(سپاہی چیونٹیاں) . Another group gathers  (اکٹھا کرنا)food for the whole community. The social ants have not learned  (سیکھنا)this division of labour. They have inherited  (وراثت میں پانا)it.

Questions with Answers:

1. What do we mean by social insects?

Answer: The social insects are the insects that live  (رہتی ہیں)in societies, cooperate with one another  (ایک دوسرے کے ساتھ تعاون کرنا)and do only the work assigned  (ذمیہ کام)to them.

2. Why are some ants called  (کہلاتی ہیں)social insects?

Answer: Some insects are called social insects  (سماجی چیونٹیاں)because they live in societies, have division  (تقسیم)of labour and cooperate with one another.

3. How do the ants cooperate with one another?

Answer: The ants cooperate with one another by dividing  (تقسیم کرنا، بانتنا)their jobs for the overall welfare  (بہبود، بھلائی)of the community.

4. What principle  (اصول)do they follow while doing their work?

Answer: While doing their work, they follow(پیروی کرنا)  the principle of division of labour.

5. Why are the members of a certain  (خاص)group called soldier ants?

Answer: The members of a certain group are called soldier  (سپاہی)ants because they guard and protect the community.

6. How have the ants learnt the principle  (اصول)of division of labour?

Answer: The ants did not learn the principle of division of labour. They inherited  (وراثت میں ملنا)this principle.

Exercise 7 (i.e. 17th of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                Iqbal is not only the greatest  (عظیم ترین)poet of our age(ہمارا دور) , but also one of the greatest poets of all times(تمام ادوار) . There are not many poets who wrote  (لکھیں)as many great poems  (عظیم نظمیں)as he did. He did not write poetry for poetry’s sake(شاعری کی خاطر شاعری کرنا) . He was in fact  (درحقیقت)much more than a mere poet(محض ایک شاعر) . He was a learned man(تعلیم یافتہ آدمی) . He was a great scholar  (عظیم عالم)and philosopher(فلسفی، فلاسفر) . He was a political leader  (سیاسی رہنما)of great importance(بڑی اہمیت) . But more than anything  (کسی بھی چیز سے بڑھ کر)he was a Muslim who had a great love for Allah and His Rasool (ﷺ). He wrote poetry  (شاعری کی، شاعری لکھی)to express  (بیان کرنا)the great and everlasting truths  (دائمی حقائق)of philosophy, history  (تاریخ)and Islam. He wrote poetry to awake  (جگانا)the Muslims of the whole world  (پوری دنیا)from the deep sleep  (گہری نیند)and asked them to unite(متحد ہونا) .

Questions with Answers:

1. Why is Iqbal considered  (تصور کیا جانا، سمجھا جانا)to be one of the greatest poets of all times?

Answer: Iqbal is considered to be one of the greatest poets of all time because he expressed  (قلمبند کی، بیان کی)the great and everlasting truths of philosophy, history and Islam.

2. Did he write poetry for poetry’s sake(شاعری کی خاطر شاعری) ?

Answer: No, he did not write poetry for poetry’s sake. He had a moral  (اخلاقی)purpose.

3. How can you say that Iqbal was much more  (بڑھ کر)than a mere  (محض)poet?

Answer: Iqbal was much more than a mere poet. He was also a politician(سیاستدان) , a devoted  (جانثار)Muslim, and a philosopher.

4. What kind of  (کس قسم کا)a Muslim was Iqbal?

Answer: Iqbal was a devoted  (پکا شچا)Muslim. He had great love for Allah and His Rasool (ﷺ).

5. With what aim did he write  (لکھنا)poetry?

Answer: He wrote poetry to awaken  (جگانہ)the Muslims of the whole world.

6. What was Iqbal’s call to the Muslims of the whole world?

Answer: Iqbal asked the Muslims of the whole world to wake up  (جاگنا)from deep sleep  (گہری نیند)and get united.

Exercise 8 (i.e. 18th of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                One day a girl  (ؒلڑکی)found  (ملا، ہاتھ لگا)a coin. It rolled away  (لڑھکتا ہوا گیا)before her broom  (جھاڑو)when she was sweeping  (جھاڑو دینا)the yard(صحن) , and fell with a little clatter  (ہلکی سی کھڑکھڑاہٹ)against the wall(دیوار کے ساتھ) . She ran and picked it up(اسے اٹھا لیا) . Someone had dropped  (گرا دیا تھا)it while crossing  (پار کرتے ہائے)the yard and perhaps  (شاید)had not even troubled  (تکلیف گوارہ نہ کی)to look for it. It was worth little(معمولی مالیت) . But, it seemed  (لگنا)a whole fortune  (پوری قسمت، ساری جمع پونجی)to her, who had never had anything of her own  (اپنی، ذاتی)before. She rubbed  (رگڑ کے صاف کیا)it clean on the sleeve  (ٓآستین)of her blue cotton jacket  (نیلی سوتی جیکٹ)and put it into her pocket(جیب) .

Questions with Answers:

1. What did the girl find(پایا، ملا) ?

Answer: The girl found a coin(سکہ) .

2. When did she find it?

Answer: She found it when she was sweeping  (جھاڑو دینا)the yard.

3. How had the coin been dropped  (گرادینا)there?

Answer: The coin had been dropped there by someone while crossing  (پار کرنا، گزرکر جانا)the yard.

4. What was the worth  (مالیت)of the coin?

Answer: The coin was worth little.

5. Why was it a whole fortune  (ساری جمع پونجی)for her?

Answer: It was a whole fortune for her because  (کیونکہ)she never had anything of her own before.

6. How did she clean it?

Answer: She cleaned it on the sleeve  (آستین)of her jacket.

7. What did she do after cleaning  (صاف کرنا)it?

Answer: After cleaning the coin, she put  (ڈال دیا)it into her pocket.

Exercise 9 (i.e. 19th of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                In December, 1930, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal was invited  (مدعو کیا گیا)to preside over  (صدارت کرنا)the annual meeting  (سالانہ جلسہ)of All India Muslim League at Allahabad. In his address(خطاب) , he openly opposed  (کھلم کھلا مخالفت کی)the idea  (تصور)of power-sharing  (شراکت اقتدار)together of Hindus and Muslims as one nation(ایک قوم) . He declared  (اعلان کیا)that the movement  (تحریک)to apply  (لاگو کرنا)one constitution  (قانون)to both the Hindus  (ہندو)and Muslims  (مسلمان)would result in a civil war(خانہ جنگی) . He wanted to see Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a single state  (واحد ریاست)for the Muslims, so that they should live according to  (کے مطابق)the teachings  (تعلیمات)of Islam(اسلام) . We can say that Allama Iqbal was the first thinker  (مفکر)to give us the idea of a separate  (علٰیحدہhomeland  (وطن)for the Muslims of India i.e. partition of the Subcontinent  (برِصغیر کی تقسیم)into two sovereign states(آزاد ریاستیں) . The Muslims soon  (جلد ہی)realized  (ادراک کر لیا)the importance  (اہمیت)of the demand  (مطالبہ)for two separate states. It was then, the Pakistan Resolution  (تحریکِ پاکستان)was adopted  (پاس کی گئی)in 1940.

Questions with Answers:

1. Where was the annual meeting  (سالانہ جلسہ)of All India Muslim League held in 1930?

Answer: The annual meeting of All India Muslim League was held  (منعقد ہوئی)at Allahabad in 1930.

2. Who was invited  (مدعو کیا گیا)to preside over  (صدارت کرنا)the session(اجلاس) ?

Answer: Allama Iqbal was invited to preside over the session.

3. What idea did Allama Iqbal oppose(مخالفت کرنا) ?

Answer: Allama Iqbal opposed the idea of Hind-Muslim unity  (اتحاد)and said that it would result in a civil war.

4. Which provinces  (صوبے)did he want to be included  (شامل ہونا)in the Muslim state?

Answer: He wanted Pubjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to be included in the Muslim state(مسلم ریاست) .

5. On what grounds(کن وجوہات کی بنا پر) , did he demand a separate state for the Muslims of India?

Answer: He demanded a separate  (الگ)state for the Muslims of India where they could live according to the teachings  (تعلیمات)of Islam.

When was the Pakistan Resolution moved(پاس کی گئی) ?

Answer: The Pakistan Resolution was moved in 1940.

Exercise 10 (i.e. 20th of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                The Indian National Congress  (انڈین نیشنل کانگرس)was founded  (بنیاد رکھی گئی)in 1885 by a liberal English man  (آزاد خیال انگریز)Mr. A. O. Hume. He had joined  (شمولیت حاصل کی)the Indian Civil Service  (انڈین سول سروس)in 1849 and retired from service  (سروس سے ریٹائر ہوگئے)after shouldering different responsibilities(مختلف ذمہ داری سر انجام دینے کے بعد) . He had been watching the ugly law and other situation  (امن و امان کی بری صورت حال)in the country(ملک میں) . He was of the opinion  (رائے)that the high-handed rule  (متشددانہ حکومت)of the Britishers  (انگریزوں کی)was paving way  (راہ ہموار کرنا)for any unexpected  (غیر متوقع)outburst of violence (تشدد کا پھوٹ پڑنا). His plan (منصوبہ) was to put a safety valve  (حفاظتی بند)to minimize  (کم کرنا)the mounting sentiments  (ابھرتے ہوئے جذبات)against the British rule(برطانوی حکومت کے خلاف) . It was meant to provide an outlet  (اخراج)which could ventilate  (ہوا دینا)the revolutionary spirit(انقلابی جذبہ) . Mr. Hume had put his plan before Lord Duffrin.

Questions with Answers:

1. Who founded  (بنیاد رکھی)the Indian National Congress?

Answer: Mr A. O. Hume founded the Indian National Congress.

2. Who was Mr. A. O. Hume?

Answer: Mr. A. O. Hume was a liberal  (آزاد خیال)English man and served  (خدمات سر انجام دیں)in Indian Civil Service.

3. When was the Indian National Congress founded(بنیاد رکھی) ?

Answer: The Indian National Congress was founded in 1885.

4. Why did Hume think  (سوچنا)of founding this political organization(سیاسی جماعت) ?

Answer: Hume founded his political organization to provide an outlet to the mounting sentiments  (ابھرتا ہوئے جذبات)of Indians against the British rule.

5. With whom did he discuss  (مشورہ کرنا)his plan?

Answer: He discussed his plan  (منصوبہ)with Lord Duffrin.

Exercise 11 (i.e. 21st of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                There was once a man  (ایک دفعہ کا ذکر ہے کہ ایک آدمی تھا)whose doctor gave him medicine  (دوائی)which was quite black(قدرے/مکمل طور پر سیاہ) . His servant  (ملازم)who was illiterate  (ان پڑھ)made a mistake  (غلطی کی)and poured out  (انڈیل دی)a dose  (خوراک)of ink in place of the drug(دوائی) . He gave it to his master who drank it(پی گیا) . After the patient  (مریض)had taken the dose of ink the servant somehow realized his mistake(غلطی کا احساس ہوا) . He ran back  (واپس دوڑ کر گیا)to his master  (مالک، آقا)and said, “Sir, I have given you a dose of ink instead of  (کی بجائے)the medicine as both were equally black(ایک جیسی سیاہ) . What should be done now?”  (اب کیا ہوگا)The master replied softly(نرمی سے جواب دیا) , “Now give me a piece of blotting paper  (سیاہی چوس)to swallow(نگلنا) .”

Questions with Answers:

1. What was the colour  (رنگ)of the medicine?

Answer: The colour of the medicine  (دوائی)was black.

2. What did the servant  (نوکر، ملازم)give to his master?

Answer: The servant gave his master  (مالک، آقا)a dose of ink in place of medicine.

3. When did the servant come to know of his mistake(غلطی) ?

Answer: The servant came to know of his mistake when the master had taken ink  (سیاہی)as medicine.

4. What did the servant do?

Answer: The servant told  (بتایا)his master that he had given him a dose of ink in place of medicine. He asked the master about what to do then.

5. What did the master say to his servant?

Answer: The master ordered  (حکم دیا)the servant to bring  (لانا)him a piece of blotting paper to swallow.

Exercise 12 (i.e. 22nd of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers

                There lived a monkey in a forest(ایک جنگل میں ایک بندر رہتا تھا) . One day he was going about  (ادھر ادھر پھرنا)in search of food as he was very hungry(بھوکا تھا) . At last he entered  (داخل ہونا)the house of a farmer(کسان کا گھر) . There was nobody  (کوئی نہیں)in the house. The monkey found a hard vessel  (سخت/مضبوط برتن)with a narrow opening(تنگ منہ والا) . He put his hand  (اپنا ہاتھ ڈالا)into it. It had grains  (دانے، غلہ)in it. He took a handful  (مٹھی بھر)of these and tried to pull his hand out but he could not do so with his closed fist(بند مٹھی) . After some time, the owner  (مالک)of the house came up(آگیا) . His dog was also with him. The dog fell upon  (پل پڑا، حملہ کردیا)the monkey and tore him into pieces(اس کے ٹکڑے ٹکڑے کر دیئے) . Thus, the monkey met his fate  (اپنے انجام کو پہنچا)due to his greed(لالچ) .

Questions with Answers:

1. Where did the monkey live?

Answer: The monkey lived in a forest(جنگل) .

2. Why did he enter  (داخل ہونا)the house of a farmer?

Answer: He entered the house of a farmer  (کسان)to get some food.

3. What did he find  (پانا، حاصل کرنا)there(وہاں پر) ?

Answer: He found a hard vessel with a narrow  (تنگ)opening  (منہ)there.

4. What was in the vessel(صراحی) ?

Answer: There were grains  (اناج، غلہ)in the vessel.

5. What did the monkey do?

Answer: The monkey put his hand into the vessel to get a handful  (مٹھی بھر)of grains.

6. Why could he not pull his hand out of the vessel?

Answer: He could not pull his hand out  (ہاتھ باہر نہ نکال سکا)of the vessel because of his closed fist.

7. How did the monkey meet his fate?

Answer: The monkey met his fate due to greed(لالچ) . Dogs fell upon the money  (بندر)and tore him to pieces.

Exercise 13 (i.e. 23rd of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                A tailor  (درزی)ran a shop  (ایک دکان چلاتا تھا)in a bazaar(بازار میں) . An elephant  (ہاتھی)used to go to the river  (دریا)through that bazaar(بازار سے گزر کر) . The tailor gave him a bun  (بن، ڈبل روٹی)every day. One day the tailor pricked a needle  (سوئی چبھودی)into the trunk  (سونڈ)of the elephant. The elephant became angry  (غصے ہونا)but went away(چلاگیا) . On return(واپسی پر) , he filled  (بھر لی)his trunk with muddy water(گندہ پانی، گدلا پانی) . On reaching  (پہنچ کر)the shop of the tailor, he put his trunk into it and squirted  (فوارہ چھوڑ دینا)the dirty water  (گندہ پانی)into the shop of the tailor. All the fine  (عمدہ)and new dresses  (ملبوسات)of his customers  (گاہک)were spoiled(ضائع ہوگئے) . He was very sorry  (افسردہ ہونا، پریشان ہونا)for annoying  (ناراض کرنا)the elephant but it was no used crying over spilt milk(اب پچھتائے کیا ہوت جب چڑیاں جگ گئیں گھیت) .

Questions with Answers:

1. Where did the elephant  (ہاتھی)go every day?

Answer: The elephant went to the river every day to drink water(پانی پینا) .

2. What did the tailor  (درزی)give him?

Answer: The tailor gave  (دینا)him a bun daily.

3. What mistake  (غلطی)did the tailor make one day?

Answer: One day, the tailor made a mistake by pricking a needle  (سوئی چبھونا)into the trunk of the elephant.

4. What did the elephant do after drinking  (پینا، پانی پینا)water?

Answer: After drinking water, the elephant filled  (بھرلی)his trunk with muddy water(گدلا پانی) .

5. How did the elephant punish  (سزا دینا)the tailor for his mistake(غلطی) ?

Answer: The elephant spoiled  (ضائع کردینا)the fine and new dresses  (عمدہ اور نئے ملبوسات)by squirting(فوارہ چلا دینا)  the muddy water on them.

6. What is the moral  (اخلاقی سبق)of the story?

Answer: The moral of the story is, “Tit for tat”  (جیسا کروگے، ویسا بھرو گے)or “It is no use crying over spilt milk(اب پچھتائے کیا ہوت جب چڑیاں چگ گئیں کھیت) .”

Exercise 14 (i.e. 24th of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                A professional player  (پیشہ ور کھلاڑی)is quite different  (بالکل مختلف)from an amateur(شوقیہ کھلاڑی) . His main aim  (بنیادی مقصد)is to make money(پیسے کمانا) . He plays the game to earn money or win a name(شہرت کمانا) . On the other hand(دوسری طرف) , the amateur player has no such aim. He plays because he gets pleasure  (خوشی حاصل کرتا ہے)in playing. Games  (کھیل، کھیلیں)not only give him recreation  (تفریح)but also physical exercise(جسمانی ورزش) . He enjoys a good health  (اچھی صحت)and a sound physique(مضبوط جسم) . He plays the game as he should. He observes  (مشاہدہ کرنا، پابندی کرنا)all the rules and regulations  (قوائدوضوابط)of games. The amateur player plays honestly(ایمانداری) . He becomes a disciplined gentleman  (منظم نوجوان/شریف آدمی)and a responsible citizen(ذمہ دار شہری) . He accepts defeat  (شکست قبول کرلیتا ہے)but does not resort to cheating  (دھوکا)or other unfair means  (ناجائز ذرائع)to win. If he wins a game, he feels happy  (خوشی محسوس کرتا ہے)but he is not sad at losing  (ہارجانا)one.

Questions with Answers:

1. What is meant by a professional player?

Answer: A professional player plays to earn money  (پیسہ کمانا)or win a name(نام کمانا) .

2. With what aim  (مقصد)does he play games?

Answer: He plays games for the sake of money  (پیسے کی خاطر)or fame(شہرت) .

3. What makes an amateur player  (شوقیہ کھلاڑی)a responsible citizen?

Answer: An amateur player abides by  (پابندی کرنا)all the rules and regulations of a game. This makes him a responsible  (ذمہ دار)citizen.

4. What qualities  (خوبیاں، خصوصیات)of true sportsmanship  (حقیقی کھلاڑی پن)does a professional player lack(نہ ہونا) ?

Answer: A professional player lacks the qualities of true sportsmanship like tolerance and fair play.

5. How does an amateur player differ  (مختلف ہونا)from a professional player?

Answer: Contrary to  (کے برعکس)a professional player, an amateur does not play foul  (کھیل میں غلط حربے استعمال کرنا)to win. He plays to seek  (حاصل کرنا)pleasure from it.

6. How does an amateur player take his defeat(شکست) ?

Answer: An amateur accepts  (قبول کرنا)his defeat. He does not use unfair  (ناجائز)means  (ذرائع)to win.

7. Who plays a game for the sake of the game(کھیل برائے کھیل کون کھیلتا ہے) ?

Answer: An amateur  (شوقیہ)player plays the game for the sake of the game.

Exercise 15 (i.e. 25th of 25 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers)

                The camel  (اونٹ)is rightly  (درست طور پر)called the “ship of the desert”(صحرائی جہاز) . It is the best means  (بہترین ذریعہ)of transport  (سواری، نقل و حمل)in deserts. Camels go slow. But they go on walking  (چلتے رہنا)for hours on the burning sand  (جلتی ہوئی ریت)and in the blazing sun(تابناک سورج، جھلسا دینے والی دھوپ) . Camels carry heavy loads(بھاری وزن) , much heavier in weight  (وزن)than any other beast of burden(باربرداری والے جانور)  can. While the other animals’ feet sink  (دھنس جانا، ڈوب جانا)into the sand, nature  (قدرت)has made the feet of camel such that it is not at all difficult  (مشکل)for it to walk on sand. The camel is superior  (برتر)to all other animals because it can go without food and drink  (کھائے پیئے بغیر)for days and weeks. It can store food  (کھانا)and water. Its hump  (کوہان)is also a store of food which the camels use when they get nothing to eat and drink for many days(کئی دن تک) . In deserts only bushes grow here and there  (ادھر ادھر)and the camel can live on  (گزر بسر کرنا)these.

Questions with Answers:

1. Why is camel called  (کہلاتا ہے)the ship of the desert(ریگستان کا جہاز) ?

Answer: The camel is called the ship of the desert because it can walk for hours  (کئی گھنٹوں تک)on burning sand  (جلتی ریت)with heavy loads(بھاری وزن) .

2. Is it for its speed  (رفتار)that it is called the ship of desert?

Answer: No, it is not for its speed that it is called the ship of desert. Camels go slow(اونٹ سست رفتاری سے چلتے ہیں) .

3. What difficulty do the other beasts of burden  (بار برداری والے جانور)have to face  (سامنا کرنا، مقابلہ کرنا)while walking on the sand?

Answer: The feet of other beasts of burden sink  (دھنس جانا، ڈوب جانا)into the sand. So, they cannot walk on it.

4. Why does a camel walk easily on the loose  (ڈھیلی ڈھالی)sand of the desert?

Answer: A camel walks easily on the loose sand of the desert due to its flat  (چپٹے)feet.

5. What special quality  (خاص خوبی)makes camel superior  (برتر)to other animals used for transport(نقل و حمل کے لیے استعمال ہونے والے جانور) ?

Answer: A camel can travel  (سفر کرنا)for weeks without food or drink. This special quality makes it superior to other animals.

6. How does the camel go without food and water for days and weeks?

Answer: The camel goes without food and water for days and weeks because it can store(ذخیرہ کر لینا)  a huge amount  (بہت زیادہ مقدار)of food and water.

7. What does the camel generally live on(گزارہ کرنا) ?

Answer: The camel generally  (عام طور پر)lives on bushes that grow  (اگنا)in the desert(صحرا) .

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